Current Semester
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I'm taking credits this semester. If I want to raise my GPA points, what GPA will I need this semester?
GPA Needed:
I'd like to raise my GPA points, if I achieve a average GPA, it will take how many more credits?
Credits Needed:
Tutoring & Learning Support Resources
Learning support resources come in many forms and everyone can benefit from them – no matter who you are, or what your grades are. Follow this link for a list of FREE tutoring and learning support units on campus, FAQs, student testimonials, and resources to help you achieve academic success.
Current Total Credits
This value takes into consideration only credits that have counted toward your GPA. This value can be found near the bottom of your unofficial transcript in the “Undergraduate Career Totals” section and is labeled as “Cum GPA Credits.”

Current Cumulative GPA
This value can be found at the bottom of your unofficial transcript in the “Undergraduate Career Totals” section and is labeled as “GPA.”