geBLC Decoder

gaCommunication Part A
bCommunication Part B
qQuantitative Reasoning Part A
rQuantitative Reasoning Part
eeEthnic Studies
BBBiological Science, also counts toward the Natural Science requirement
IInterdivisional. Does not satisfy any breadth requirement
LLiterature, also counts toward the Humanities requirement
NNatural Science, also counts toward the Natural Science requirement (not the Biological or Physical Science requirements)
PPhysical Science, also counts toward the Natural Science requirement
SSocial Science
WEither Social Science or Natural Science
XEither Humanities or Natural Science
YEither Biological Sciences or Social Science
ZEither Humanities or Social Science
DIntermediate or Advanced
CCCourses which count for degree credit in L&S and which count as part of the 100 credits in L&S for students