Providing central coordination for the undergraduate advising, career services & learning support communities

Manage Another’s Calendar

Once someone has granted you Calendar Manager access, you can then manage their Starfish calendar the same way you can manage your own.

1. Go to your Starfish calendar. (Open sidebar > click Appointments)

Expanded sidebar on the Starfish homepage with the Appointments option highlighted

2. Refer to the left side of your screen where it says Calendars I Manage. If anyone has given you Calendar Manager permissions, their name will appear here.

From top to bottom: Calendar graphic with today's date selected, appointment type filter, the highlighted My Calendar option with a checkbox enabled, then Calendars I Manage listing another person's name with an unchecked checkbox next to their name

Note that the names appearing here are people who have given you permission to edit their calendars, not the other way around. If you want to clean this list up, reach out to those individuals and ask them to remove you as a Calendar Manager. If they cannot remove you for whatever reason, contact a Starfish administrator at If you want to see whom you’ve given calendar manager permissions, refer to Calendar Management at the bottom of your Appointment Preferences.

3. To open your colleague’s calendar, click the checkbox next to their name. Both your and their calendar items will appear next to each other in different colors. (To view only their calendar, you can disable the checkbox next to My Calendar.) At this point you can edit their calendar like it’s yours.

4. Once you have multiple calendars selected, you can select a calendar other than your own when creating new appointments or office hours:

Add Office Hours dialog showing a calendar selection dropdown menu next to the Calendar field

Add Appointment dialog showing a calendar selection dropdown menu next to the Calendar field