Providing central coordination for the undergraduate advising, career services & learning support communities

Set Your Email Notifications

Starfish provides you the option to send additional Email Notifications about your student appointments. These notifications are separate from the default appointment confirmation email you will receive every time a student schedules an appointment.  These emails may be initially sent to your spam folder, so be sure the check there if you don’t see them.

We generally only recommend setting up email notifications if you do not have Outlook/Microsoft Exchange integration configured via Calendar Sync in your Appointment Preferences. If you are using Calendar Sync, then your calendar and notifications within Outlook make these extra emails unnecessary.


Summary Emails

Notifications tab - Customize notifications of Starfish Activity and verify the accuracy of contact information in your profile.  Preferences - Set preferences for text and email notifications.  Summary Emails - Set preferences for receiving summary emails.  Send me a digest of all my Appointment and Tracking Item activity: - Don't send me summary emails - Daily at <select time> - Weekly at <select time and day of week>

As the name would imply, summary emails send you a summary of your Starfish appointments on a daily or weekly interval – which you can customize here.

  • Don’t send me summary emails (Recommended)
  • Daily at [time]
  • Weekly at [time] on [weekday]



Appointments - Customize appointment notification preferences.  Planning reminders - Choose how you wnat to receive reminders about your appointments. - Don't send me planning reminders - Send me a notification individually for each appointment. Send at <select time> the day of or the day before - Send me a digest of all appointments. Send at <time> the day of or the day before  Alert Reminders - Specify whether you want an alert just before the appointment starts - Notify me before the start: 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes

Unlike summary emails, which you receive once per day or per week, appointment notification emails remind you of upcoming appointments as they occur.

  • Planning Reminders
    • Don’t send me planning reminders (Recommended)
    • Send me a notification individually for each appointment. Send at [time] [the day of/the day before]
    • Send me a digest of all appointments. Send at [time] [the day of/the day before]
  • Alert Reminders
    • Notify me before the start: [15/30/45/60] minutes


Tracking Items

Tracking Items - This section has a large red X superimposed on top of it.

We do not currently use Tracking Items. You can ignore this section.


Now your basic information and preferences are set up, and you’re ready to add your Appointment Availability to your calendar.